Leia a carta que a estudante Sofia Martins Carvalho enviou à Embaixada Britânica para conseguir ser embaixadora do clima em Copenhague:
The international conference about the climate change situation, which will happen in December, is now considered by me the most important moment that can lead to one of the biggest decisions that human being could ever make. We need people to see what we have been causing to the nature. We need everybody to realize that living a sustainable life is not worse nor harder. This is why I, Sofia Martins Carvalho, want to be one of the young people that speak for the earth; claiming for politicians, students, artists, hard-workers, each and every citizen;s attention to the reality we have to face from now on. Therefore, I have started a campaign at school, aiming to reach the largest amount of students that are interested to participate of frequent reunions and discussions so that we can, together, build ideas and create projects that will be presented to our administrative and educational director, in order to make the school environment a "greener" place and an example of a more friendly relation between humans and the nature. In addition, I have been meeting with a few government representatives that can possibly help me to start a process of planting trees where there are none. At first, we are looking forward to contact with people from some local organizations that have similar projects. The more we are supported, the bigger our project;s dimension gets.
Also, on October 28th, I and the other British Council Climate Champion João Pedro, will be organizing an action in front of the National Congress, with the goal to make it visible for our leaders that we, Brazilian people, are concerned about our future, and want them to have the responsibility of making the right choices and acting according to them starting from the COP-15.
Having the opportunity to, somehow, be part of the COP-15 Conference would be one of the most important experiences that I would have joined. I am willing to make the hardest effort to learn the most about climate change and how each country intends to contribute for a better world.
Sofia Martins Carvalho