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%u201CLook I don%u2019t know if I%u2019m going to have a career after this but, f**k that.%u201D
John Boyega.%u2014 The Nikki Diaries (@thenikkidiaries)
Have before and would again, in a heartbeat. So proud of John today.
%u2014 edgarwright (@edgarwright)
Have before and would again, in a heartbeat. So proud of John today.
%u2014 edgarwright (@edgarwright)
I would crawl through a barrel of broken glass to have John Boyega even so much as *glance* at one of my scripts.
%u2014 Charlie Brooker (@charltonbrooker)
It would be a dream to write a role for John Boyega. It was already, and nothing has changed that.
%u2014 Emily V Gordon (@emilyvgordon)
Happy to work with you any time, John %uD83D%uDC4F%uD83D%uDC4F%uD83D%uDC4F
%u2014 J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling)
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