'Nasci para tirar a roupa', diz ex-pastora que virou sensação em site adulto

Criada em uma família batista e mãe de três filhos, Nikole Mitchell deixou a religião e tem feito sucesso em um site de venda de nudes

Uma mulher virou sensação após deixar de ser pastora para focar em sua carreira em sites pornográficos. Nascida e criada em uma família batista de Ohio, nos Estados Unidos, Nikole Mitchell, de 36 anos, sempre viveu na igreja e, ao entrar na universidade, tornou-se ainda mais religiosa. Em entrevista ao site DailyStar, ela conta que chegou a parar de se envolver com homens pelo medo de atrapalhar seu compromisso com a fé.

"Eu não queria namorar ninguém por medo de fazer sexo, porque me ensinaram que era errado fora do casamento e não queria prejudicar meu tempo com Deus. Então eu dava desculpas como 'decidi que não vou namorar neste momento' ou 'tenho outros planos'", disse.

Em 2009, Mitchell conheceu seu ex-marido e teve três filhos com ele. Ao entrar em uma igreja local, foi convidada a se tornar pastora. Ela conta que, durante três anos, sentiu como se tivesse achado sua vocação, mas começou a ficar desiludida com a profissão e a questionar sua sexualidade.

"Eu reprimi meus desejos de namoro por tanto tempo que não sabia que era gay, mas era. Eu era uma mulher esquisita que queria orgasmos e bom sexo e foi só quando fiquei mais velha que percebi isso."

A ex-pastora diz que um dia decidiu posar em uma sessão de fotos e, após gostar do resultado, abriu uma conta em um site pornográfico, no qual os usuários pagam por seus vídeos e fotos nua. "Sinceramente, acho que nasci para tirar a roupa. Parece um chamado. Eu amo tanto isso", declarou.

Ainda de acordo com o DailyStar, Mitchell e o marido se divorciaram neste ano de forma amigável. Atualmente, ela fatura cerca de US$ 100 mil por mês (equivalente a cerca de R$ 560 mil).

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“I have to become so fucking rich because I have so much money I want to give away." This was one of my main motivations in getting rich/er. And it's true. There is so much money I want to give away (what I give now is amazing but I want to give even more!), so many lives to empower, so many generations to impact, and a legacy to create. Money has the power to heal, transform, and uplevel the lives of generations to come, and I am here to do just that. I am here to give wealth a good name. Everyone who steps into my orbit knows what I mean. Spend 5 minutes with me and you'll leave feeling so pumped up, so alive, and so unstoppable, that your life will never be the same. And I don't say that lightly. When you meet someone who is so free, so empowered, so grateful, and so alive, you immediately want what they have. Because you know that kind of presence, energy, and power doesn't come from some external source. It comes from the infinite, invisible, eternal source itself, and it's fucking contagious. The same is available to you. You CAN have your dreams come true. You CAN land your dream job. You CAN make a shit ton of money. You CAN become the star you were born to be. Hold that vision. Do the inner work. Put powerful support in your corner. AND YOU WILL FUCKING MAKE IT. There is no way but up. There is no choice but to succeed. There is no option but to make it. When you have that kind of resolve and one-of-a-kind support in your corner, you will be blown away by how fast your dreams come true. In my circle, we don't mess. We rise to the occasion. We get clear on our vision. We put support in place. And we manifest the shit out of our dreams. We do.not.stop. This is the circle you want to be in. This is the energy you want to partake in. This is the momentum you want in your corner. It's time for you to rise. And I am here to take you to the top. Work with me 1:1 or join my mastermind. Links in my bio.?? ????: @trudgephoto

Uma publicação compartilhada por Nikole Mitchell (@mitchellnikole) em

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Oh my GOSH, tonight’s call inside my manifestation course was NEXT LEVEL!!!???????????????????????????????? The safety and vulnerability and transparency that happens in there is unlike anywhere else... and leads to such deep healing and transformation that not only changes their lives but heals the world! I’m telling you... when you sign up to work with me - whether 1:1, my mastermind, or my courses - you get so much more than you even realize. There is where fear is dissolved, desires are unearthed, power is unleashed, healing takes place, and transmutation happens. This is where dreams are born, miracles happen, and love is multiplied. I can not recommend being in a container like this enough. You don’t know what you’re missing out on until you’re on these calls and having these conversations, and you realize this is why magical things happen to people who put support in place. Next level support gets you next level results. And you are worthy of both. Manifestation students - make sure you watch the replay of tonight’s call! Everyone else - put support in place! Whether it’s me or someone else, pick someone who is living a version of the life you want, resonates with you, lights you up, and keeps you coming back for more. THEY are the ones to hire. Love you, believe in you, and always here for you. ???????????????????????????????? ????: @colbyfiles

Uma publicação compartilhada por Nikole Mitchell (@mitchellnikole) em

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I was going to wait til tomorrow to announce this but I can't contain my excitement any longer! If there's one question I get over & over again in my DMs, it's "How the heck do you do it, Nikole?? How do all these good things happen to you? You always seem to get what you want." I recently had a friend say to me, "Of course that would happen to you! You're the manifesting queen!" And it's true. I went from manifesting on occasion to turning manifestation into a way of life. I carry this confident, certain energy within & around me that says, "I get to have what I want." It sounds cocky, but it's not. It's a quiet, solid certainty. Manifestation has become such a way of life for me that I EXPECT things to go my way or for things to be even better than I imagine. And it's not just because I choose a better perspective when I don't get what I want (though I def do that). I actually manifest higher & better all the time. It's how I manifested 5 free trips in the past 18 months. It's how I manifested being pitched for my own reality TV show. It's how I manifested my Jimmy Kimmel segment. It's how I manifested a full ride scholarship to both college & grad school. It's how I've been interviewed & published around the world (4 countries & counting). It's how I always get what I want.???? And I teach how I do it - & most importantly, HOW YOU CAN DO IT - inside one of my best selling, most raved about courses. (Re)Introducing... (da da DAHHH!) Mastering the Art of Manifestation! This is one of my absolute favorite courses that is packed with over 11 hours of content in 8 life-changing modules, where we dive into: - your identity, intuition, & why you get to have it all. - what it actually means to be an energetic match & how to manifest even when it seems impossible. - how to multiply more of everything you want - how to humanize wealth, learn God's role in all of this, & feel safe in receiving more. This course is ultimately about walking you home to who you really are - a powerful manifestor. And it is sacred AF. I cannot rave about it enough. Read all about it (& the raving testimonials) at the link in my bio! I got you! ????: @stray.visuals

Uma publicação compartilhada por Nikole Mitchell (@mitchellnikole) em