Rússia X Ucrânia

Vídeo: manifestantes russos são presos imediatamente ao entoar cantos contra guerra

Em um vídeo que circula nas redes sociais é possível ver que assim que um homem grita "Não a Guerra", vários policiais o cercam rapidamente para contê-lo

Correio Braziliense
postado em 06/03/2022 14:57 / atualizado em 06/03/2022 15:00
 (crédito: Reprodução/Twitter)
(crédito: Reprodução/Twitter)

Vários protestos mobilizaram a população da Rússia neste domingo (6/3). Segundo informações, mais de 200 pessoas foram detidas nas cidades de Novosibirsk e Ekaterimburgo após se manifestarem contra a invasão russa na Ucrânia. Vídeos nas redes sociais mostram o quanto a atividade policial é rápida em deter os protestantes.

Segundo a ONG OVD-Info, que monitora essas manifestações, mais de 10 mil pessoas já foram presas na Rússia desde que a invasão na Ucrânia começou em 24 de fevereiro.

Em um vídeo que circula nas redes sociais é possível ver que assim que um homem grita “Não a Guerra”, vários policiais o cercam rapidamente para contê-lo.

Veja o momento:

Informações indicam ainda que, apesar das intimidações das autoridades e da ameaça de penas de prisão, vários protestos, de forma limitada, ocorreram pela Rússia, tendo acontecido todos os dias da última semana em diversas cidades do país.

O líder opositor ao governo Alexei Navalny — que está preso — convocou os russos a sair às ruas todos os dias para pedir a paz, apesar da pressão do governo. 

Confira a linha do tempo do conflito: 

Veja também várias fotos de protestos pelo mundo: 


  •  A protestor holds a sign readong 'Help Ukraine' during a demonstration in support of Ukraine and to protest against Russia's invasion of the country, on the Plaza Catalunya square in Barcelona, on March 6, 2022. - The number of people fleeing Russia's invasion of Ukraine has topped 1.5 million, making it Europe's fastest growing refugee crisis since World War II, the United Nations said on March 6. UN officials said they expected the wave of refugees to intensify further as the Russian army pressed its offensive, particularly toward the Ukranian capital Kyiv.
    A protestor holds a sign readong "Help Ukraine" during a demonstration in support of Ukraine and to protest against Russias invasion of the country, on the Plaza Catalunya square in Barcelona, on March 6, 2022. - The number of people fleeing Russias invasion of Ukraine has topped 1.5 million, making it Europes fastest growing refugee crisis since World War II, the United Nations said on March 6. UN officials said they expected the wave of refugees to intensify further as the Russian army pressed its offensive, particularly toward the Ukranian capital Kyiv. LLUIS GENE / AFP
  •  Protestors cry and hold hands on their chests as they chant during a demonstration in support of Ukraine and to protest against Russia's invasion of the country, on the Plaza Catalunya square in Barcelona, on March 6, 2022. - The number of people fleeing Russia's invasion of Ukraine has topped 1.5 million, making it Europe's fastest growing refugee crisis since World War II, the United Nations said on March 6. UN officials said they expected the wave of refugees to intensify further as the Russian army pressed its offensive, particularly toward the Ukranian capital Kyiv.
    Protestors cry and hold hands on their chests as they chant during a demonstration in support of Ukraine and to protest against Russias invasion of the country, on the Plaza Catalunya square in Barcelona, on March 6, 2022. - The number of people fleeing Russias invasion of Ukraine has topped 1.5 million, making it Europes fastest growing refugee crisis since World War II, the United Nations said on March 6. UN officials said they expected the wave of refugees to intensify further as the Russian army pressed its offensive, particularly toward the Ukranian capital Kyiv. LLUIS GENE / AFP
  •  A demonstrator holds a banner with the face of Vladimir Putin  during a protest against Russia's military invasion of Ukraine at Place de la Republique in Paris on March 5, 2022. (Photo by Sameer Al-DOUMY / AFP)
    A demonstrator holds a banner with the face of Vladimir Putin during a protest against Russias military invasion of Ukraine at Place de la Republique in Paris on March 5, 2022. (Photo by Sameer Al-DOUMY / AFP) AFP
  •  A placard that reads, 'Putin you are dead', is held up during a rally in support of Ukraine, ten days after Russia invaded its neighbour, in Nantes, western France on March 5, 2022. (Photo by Loic VENANCE / AFP)
    A placard that reads, Putin you are dead, is held up during a rally in support of Ukraine, ten days after Russia invaded its neighbour, in Nantes, western France on March 5, 2022. (Photo by Loic VENANCE / AFP) AFP
  •  Protestors take part in a demonstration against Russia's invasion of Ukraine, on March 4, 2022 at the Venceslas square in Prague, Czech Republic. (Photo by Michal Cizek / AFP)

    Protestors take part in a demonstration against Russias invasion of Ukraine, on March 4, 2022 at the Venceslas square in Prague, Czech Republic. (Photo by Michal Cizek / AFP) Caption Michal Cizek / AFP)
  •  Protestors take part in a demonstration against Russia's invasion of Ukraine, on March 4, 2022 at the Venceslas square in Prague, Czech Republic. (Photo by Michal Cizek / AFP)

    Protestors take part in a demonstration against Russias invasion of Ukraine, on March 4, 2022 at the Venceslas square in Prague, Czech Republic. (Photo by Michal Cizek / AFP) Caption AFP Michal Cizek / AFP)
  •  A demonstrator holds a poster reading 'Ban Russia from SWIFT' during a protest against Russia's invasion of Ukraine, on February 26, 2022 in front of the Russian embassy in Vienna, Austria. (Photo by HANS PUNZ / APA / AFP) / Austria OUT
    A demonstrator holds a poster reading "Ban Russia from SWIFT" during a protest against Russias invasion of Ukraine, on February 26, 2022 in front of the Russian embassy in Vienna, Austria. (Photo by HANS PUNZ / APA / AFP) / Austria OUT Caption AFP
  •  Protesters hold placards as they attend a demonstration in support of Ukraine, in Rome on February 27, 2022. Italy said that, it would close its airspace to Russia flights, joining other European countries in ramping up sanctions against Moscow over its invasion of Ukraine (Photo by Vincenzo PINTO / AFP)
    Protesters hold placards as they attend a demonstration in support of Ukraine, in Rome on February 27, 2022. Italy said that, it would close its airspace to Russia flights, joining other European countries in ramping up sanctions against Moscow over its invasion of Ukraine (Photo by Vincenzo PINTO / AFP) VINCENZO PINTO

Com informações da Agence France-Presse

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