Show Beneficente

Príncipe Harry e J-Lo lideram show 'Vax Live' em Los Angeles

Organizado pela Global Citizen, uma organização internacional de direitos humanos, o show tem como objetivo combater a desinformação sobre as vacinas e convidar empresas a fazerem doações

Agência France-Presse
postado em 03/05/2021 10:49 / atualizado em 03/05/2021 10:49
 (crédito: VALERIE MACON)
(crédito: VALERIE MACON)

O príncipe Harry da Inglaterra se juntou à realeza pop, incluindo Jennifer López, em um show repleto de estrelas em Los Angeles, no domingo (2/5), para promover uma vacinação global mais rápida e justa contra a covid-19.

"Vax Live: The Concert to Reunite The World" ("O Concerto para Reunir o Mundo") contou com mensagens de vídeo do papa Francisco, do presidente americano, Joe Biden, e com aparições, in loco, de estrelas de Hollywood como Ben Affleck e Sean Penn.

O show foi gravado ontem diante de milhares de espectadores vacinados em um grande estádio da Califórnia e vai ao ar na televisão e no YouTube em 8 de maio.

"Esta noite, nos solidarizamos com as milhões de famílias em toda Índia que estão lutando contra uma segunda onda devastadora", disse o príncipe Harry, que foi recebido com uma grande ovação.

"O vírus não respeita fronteiras, e o acesso à vacina não pode ser determinado pela geografia", acrescentou ele em sua primeira aparição em um grande evento público na Califórnia desde que se mudou para os Estados Unidos com sua mulher, Meghan Markle, no ano passado. Ela não compareceu ao evento.

US singer Jennifer Lopez performs onstage during the taping of the "Vax Live" fundraising concert at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, California, on May 2, 2021. The fundraising concert "Vax Live: The Concert To Reunite The World", put on by international advocacy organization Global Citizen, is pushing businesses to "donate dollars for doses," and for G7 governments to share excess vaccines. The concert will be pre-taped on May 2 in Los Angeles, and will stream on YouTube along with American television networks ABC and CBS on May 8. / AFP / VALERIE MACON
US singer Jennifer Lopez performs onstage during the taping of the "Vax Live" fundraising concert at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, California, on May 2, 2021. The fundraising concert "Vax Live: The Concert To Reunite The World", put on by international advocacy organization Global Citizen, is pushing businesses to "donate dollars for doses," and for G7 governments to share excess vaccines. The concert will be pre-taped on May 2 in Los Angeles, and will stream on YouTube along with American television networks ABC and CBS on May 8. / AFP / VALERIE MACON (foto: VALERIE MACON)

Organizado pela Global Citizen, uma organização internacional de direitos humanos, o show tem como objetivo combater a desinformação sobre as vacinas, ao mesmo tempo em que convida líderes mundiais e empresas a agirem e a fazerem doações.

Milhares de espectadores se reuniram pela primeira vez no gigantesco estádio SoFi em Los Angeles, recentemente concluído. Em sua maioria, o público era composto de profissionais de saúde da linha de frente, muitos deles de uniforme.

Selena Gómez foi a anfitriã do evento e pediu que "doses e dólares" sejam destinados aos países mais pobres do mundo. Foo Fighters também se apresentou, acompanhado por Brian Johnson do AC/DC.

Host US singer Selena Gomez speaks onstage during the taping of the "Vax Live" fundraising concert at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, California, on May 2, 2021. The fundraising concert "Vax Live: The Concert To Reunite The World", put on by international advocacy organization Global Citizen, is pushing businesses to "donate dollars for doses," and for G7 governments to share excess vaccines. The concert will be pre-taped on May 2 in Los Angeles, and will stream on YouTube along with American television networks ABC and CBS on May 8. / AFP / VALERIE MACON
Host US singer Selena Gomez speaks onstage during the taping of the "Vax Live" fundraising concert at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, California, on May 2, 2021. The fundraising concert "Vax Live: The Concert To Reunite The World", put on by international advocacy organization Global Citizen, is pushing businesses to "donate dollars for doses," and for G7 governments to share excess vaccines. The concert will be pre-taped on May 2 in Los Angeles, and will stream on YouTube along with American television networks ABC and CBS on May 8. / AFP / VALERIE MACON (foto: AFP / VALERIE MACON)

J-Lo contou aos fãs que foi obrigada a passar o Natal sem sua mãe pela primeira vez, devido à pandemia. Em seguida, a matriarca dos López apareceu no palco para cantar "Sweet Caroline".


US singer Jennifer Lopez performs onstage during the taping of the "Vax Live" fundraising concert at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, California, on May 2, 2021. The fundraising concert "Vax Live: The Concert To Reunite The World", put on by international advocacy organization Global Citizen, is pushing businesses to "donate dollars for doses," and for G7 governments to share excess vaccines. The concert will be pre-taped on May 2 in Los Angeles, and will stream on YouTube along with American television networks ABC and CBS on May 8. / AFP / VALERIE MACON
US singer Jennifer Lopez performs onstage during the taping of the "Vax Live" fundraising concert at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, California, on May 2, 2021. The fundraising concert "Vax Live: The Concert To Reunite The World", put on by international advocacy organization Global Citizen, is pushing businesses to "donate dollars for doses," and for G7 governments to share excess vaccines. The concert will be pre-taped on May 2 in Los Angeles, and will stream on YouTube along with American television networks ABC and CBS on May 8. / AFP / VALERIE MACON (foto: VALERIE MACON)

Em mensagens pré-gravadas, o presidente Biden disse que está "trabalhando com líderes de todo mundo para compartilhar mais vacinas e impulsionar a produção".

Já o papa Francisco lançou um apelo: "Peço que não se esqueçam dos mais vulneráveis".

O show será transmitido no YouTube e nas redes de televisão norte-americanas ABC e CBS em 8 de maio, a partir das 20h (21h em Brasília). Também será transmitido pelas emissoras Globo (Brasil), Caracol (Colômbia), SABC (África do Sul) e MultiChoice (África).

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  • US singer Jennifer Lopez performs onstage during the taping of the
    US singer Jennifer Lopez performs onstage during the taping of the "Vax Live" fundraising concert at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, California, on May 2, 2021. The fundraising concert "Vax Live: The Concert To Reunite The World", put on by international advocacy organization Global Citizen, is pushing businesses to "donate dollars for doses," and for G7 governments to share excess vaccines. The concert will be pre-taped on May 2 in Los Angeles, and will stream on YouTube along with American television networks ABC and CBS on May 8. / AFP / VALERIE MACON Foto: VALERIE MACON
  • Host US singer Selena Gomez speaks onstage during the taping of the
    Host US singer Selena Gomez speaks onstage during the taping of the "Vax Live" fundraising concert at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, California, on May 2, 2021. The fundraising concert "Vax Live: The Concert To Reunite The World", put on by international advocacy organization Global Citizen, is pushing businesses to "donate dollars for doses," and for G7 governments to share excess vaccines. The concert will be pre-taped on May 2 in Los Angeles, and will stream on YouTube along with American television networks ABC and CBS on May 8. / AFP / VALERIE MACON Foto: AFP / VALERIE MACON
  • US singer Jennifer Lopez performs onstage during the taping of the
    US singer Jennifer Lopez performs onstage during the taping of the "Vax Live" fundraising concert at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, California, on May 2, 2021. The fundraising concert "Vax Live: The Concert To Reunite The World", put on by international advocacy organization Global Citizen, is pushing businesses to "donate dollars for doses," and for G7 governments to share excess vaccines. The concert will be pre-taped on May 2 in Los Angeles, and will stream on YouTube along with American television networks ABC and CBS on May 8. / AFP / VALERIE MACON Foto: VALERIE MACON
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