
Livraria de Gaza reabre após ser destruída por bombardeio

Uma livraria na Faixa de Gaza que foi destruída por um bombardeio no ano passado reabriu depois de uma campanha de doações

Agence France-Presse
postado em 17/02/2022 17:45 / atualizado em 17/02/2022 17:45
 (crédito:  AFP)
(crédito: AFP)

A livraria Samir Mansur, uma verdadeira instituição na Faixa de Gaza e destruída por um bombardeio no ano passado, reabriu nesta quinta-feira (17) graças a uma campanha internacional de doações.

"É um dia histórico", disse Mansur à AFP. “Estou muito feliz por termos conseguido reabrir a livraria”, comemorou.

 Workers prepare for the opening of the new Samir Mansour bookshop that was destroyed during last year's 11-day war between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas movement, in Gaza city on February 17, 2022. - Mansour?s beloved bookshop has been rebuilt and restocked following an international fundraiser. (Photo by MOHAMMED ABED / AFP)
Workers prepare for the opening of the new Samir Mansour bookshop that was destroyed during last year's 11-day war between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas movement, in Gaza city on February 17, 2022. - Mansour?s beloved bookshop has been rebuilt and restocked following an international fundraiser. (Photo by MOHAMMED ABED / AFP) (foto: AFP)

A nova livraria foi construída a cerca de 200 metros da antiga, no bairro Rimal, a oeste da cidade de Gaza.

O edifício foi destruído em maio de 2021 em um bombardeio israelense durante a guerra entre o movimento islâmico Hamas no poder em Gaza e o exército.

Os confrontos deixaram 14 mortos em Israel e mais de 250 na Faixa de Gaza, segundo a ONU.

A nova livraria, que tem dois pisos e uma área de 1.000 metros quadrados, tem cerca de 400.000 livros no valor de cerca de 350.000 dólares, segundo Mansur.

Tem "quatro vezes mais livros do que antes de ser destruída", graças aos numerosos doadores que se mobilizaram para reativar o projeto, explicou.

 Palestinians attend the reopening of the new Samir Mansour bookshop after it was destroyed during last year's 11-day war between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas movement, in Gaza city on February 17, 2022. - Mansour?s beloved bookshop has been rebuilt and restocked following an international fundraiser. (Photo by MOHAMMED ABED / AFP)
Palestinians attend the reopening of the new Samir Mansour bookshop after it was destroyed during last year's 11-day war between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas movement, in Gaza city on February 17, 2022. - Mansour?s beloved bookshop has been rebuilt and restocked following an international fundraiser. (Photo by MOHAMMED ABED / AFP) (foto: AFP)

Centenas de pessoas, incluindo escritores e intelectuais, assistiram à sua inauguração.

"A ocupação israelense pode destruir um prédio (...) mas não pode quebrar a vontade dos palestinos", disse o ministro palestino da Cultura, Atef Abu Seif, presente na inauguração.

A livraria Mansur, fundada há cerca de trinta anos, era considerada a maior e mais antiga da Faixa de Gaza.

Seu acervo incluía livros escolares e universitários, romances e livros políticos em árabe e inglês.


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  •  A Palestinian attends the reopening of the new Samir Mansour bookshop after it was destroyed during last year's 11-day war between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas movement, in Gaza city on February 17, 2022. - Mansour?s beloved bookshop has been rebuilt and restocked following an international fundraiser. (Photo by MOHAMMED ABED / AFP)
    A Palestinian attends the reopening of the new Samir Mansour bookshop after it was destroyed during last year's 11-day war between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas movement, in Gaza city on February 17, 2022. - Mansour?s beloved bookshop has been rebuilt and restocked following an international fundraiser. (Photo by MOHAMMED ABED / AFP) Foto: AFP
  •  Workers prepare for the opening of the new Samir Mansour bookshop that was destroyed during last year's 11-day war between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas movement, in Gaza city on February 17, 2022. - Mansour?s beloved bookshop has been rebuilt and restocked following an international fundraiser. (Photo by MOHAMMED ABED / AFP)
    Workers prepare for the opening of the new Samir Mansour bookshop that was destroyed during last year's 11-day war between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas movement, in Gaza city on February 17, 2022. - Mansour?s beloved bookshop has been rebuilt and restocked following an international fundraiser. (Photo by MOHAMMED ABED / AFP) Foto: AFP
  •  Palestinians attend the reopening of the new Samir Mansour bookshop after it was destroyed during last year's 11-day war between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas movement, in Gaza city on February 17, 2022. - Mansour?s beloved bookshop has been rebuilt and restocked following an international fundraiser. (Photo by MOHAMMED ABED / AFP)
    Palestinians attend the reopening of the new Samir Mansour bookshop after it was destroyed during last year's 11-day war between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas movement, in Gaza city on February 17, 2022. - Mansour?s beloved bookshop has been rebuilt and restocked following an international fundraiser. (Photo by MOHAMMED ABED / AFP) Foto: AFP
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